Athlete Name: Edric Joor

Pro Division: Men’s Physique



Social Media:

Instagram: @je84tx


Where did you earn your Pro status?


2019 NFF Poseidon Classic


Tell us a little about yourself….


I grew up in Alabama and have resided in Texas since 2011. I’m an NBA and NFL fan and support the Saints and anything Lebron. I have a Masters in Business Administration and I am VP of Finance for a Credit Union. In my spare time I enjoy playing video games, basketball, traveling the country/world, movies, finding new restaurants and fitness/fashion modeling.


How did you get started with bodybuilding?


I lifted in high school but never really gained any size, so once I went to college I let it go. When I moved to Texas In 2011 I slowly got back into the gym 1-3 days a week. As time passed the passion just continued to grow, especially after being introduced to CT Fletcher videos in 2015.


Where does your motivation come from?


I would like to say this has become a lifestyle for me, so finding something to make me get into the gym isn’t something I rely on. When it comes to completing a goal that doesn’t rely on outside factors,  I just follow the mindset of If I say I’m going to do it,  I do it. However, there is a joy when people contact you and say you inspired me to accomplish a goal.


What are some of your greatest achievements?


I must say I am truly blessed in many aspects of life, but after some major injuries and set backs after my first show in 2017, receiving my NFF pro card means the world to me.


What is your current training philosophy?


Excuses Die, Iron Transcends


What are 3 tips you would give to someone trying to reach their goal physique?


Maintain proper nutrition for whatever your physique goals are, be consistent, and give it time.


What is your diet like? And does it differ on-season v. off-season?


On season is pretty basic: fish, chicken, 96% lean beef, rice cakes with peanut butter or fruit spread, sweet potatoes, whey Isolate, egg whites, and oatmeal or english muffins. Also can’t forget the gallon of water. I allow myself  a cheat meal on the weekend depending on how close I am to a competition or project.

In the off-season I eat most of things mentioned above, but my evening meal may not be as restricted, I enjoy desserts (applie pie and red velvet anything lol), and weekends usually have extra cheat meals.


When trying to cut down what type of cardio do you do and why?


I usually do max treadmill incline at a speed of 4. I choose this because it is not as taxing on my knees as the stair master. When I do not want to do steady state cardio, I will incorporate various HIIT routines, sprints, or basketball.


What is your next goal?


To compete and place top 5 on the pro level


What’s your Favorite Quote?


1) I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me

2) Carpe diem (seize the day)

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