
  • Balanced and proportioned physique from left to right side as well as top to bottom.
  • No one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique.


  • Extreme muscular build
  • Capped shoulders
  • Thick back with v-taper
  • May have blocky or thick waist but with tight abs
  • Thick sweeping developed quads
  • Thick hamstring development


  • Extreme muscular separation and extreme striations



Quarter Turns





Mandatory Poses

Front Double Biceps (Open-handed)

Side Chest Pose (Favorite Side)

Side Triceps Pose (Favorite Side)

Rear Double Biceps (Open-handed)

Abs and Thigh



  • Open, Novice, Pro
  • Teen/Collegiate: Ages 14-22
  • Masters: Ages 35+



  • Two-piece Figure suit: The two-piece suit must be in good taste; thongs or T-back bottoms are not allowed.
  • The suit may be adorned with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins, etc. for added effect.
  • Jewelry is permitted; Body jewelry (piercing) is allowed, so long as it is not offensive. Other jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelets) may be worn, but should not obscure the physique or be in poor taste.



  • GROUP COMPARISON (Pre-judging) – Athletes will be judged by executing a series of quarter turns and mandatory poses. Competitors must hit all the poses in a timely manner. Remember every time a poses is called for the judges are looking at the complete package from top to bottom and right to left, not just that body part.
  • INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION (Finals/Posing Routine) – Each competitor will do a freestyle posing routine to their choice of music or house music. 90 Seconds Pros / 60 Seconds Amateur. Profanity cannot be on competitor’s music when conducting posing routine. If profanity is on the posing routine track, music will be stopped and competitor can be disqualified.