
  • Emphasis on the Upper body (shoulder, arms, and back)
  • Lower body is developed, but to a lesser extent than the Upper body
  • Small, defined waist (not blocky)


  • Slightly more mass in shoulders, arms, and back than Bikini division
  • Capped and round shoulders
  • Developed triceps with prominent bicep peaks
  • Distinct density throughout back muscles including traps, rhomboids, and rear delts
  • Noticeable lat width, but not to the degree of a Figure or Women’s Physique competitor


  • Moderate degree of muscular separation but without striations.
  • Toned and tight core
  • Not as lean and defined as Figure and Women’s Physique.



Quarter Turns

Front Pose – Feet should face forward but competitors can angle their toes out slightly if it helps to accentuate their thigh presentation. The hips may be slightly twisted and arms may be one or both hands on hips

Side Pose (Left) – From the front pose, competitors execute a ¼ turn to the right and adjust stance. Upper body turned towards the judges so the rear shoulder can be seen, but not too exaggerated. The hips MUST face the side of the stage; You may turn your head and look directly at the judges and may have a single hand on hip or both hands on hip. Do not present a single arm biceps pose.

Back Pose – From the side pose, competitors execute a ¼ turn to the right and face the curtain or rear of the stage. Competitor’s feet are no wider than shoulder width apart and stand in an upright position. Competitors should brush their hair to one side when they turn to the rear, so their upper back can be seen (if they have long hair). Hands are in front of the body resting on the quad. Lats open to not present a pinched upper back.

Side Pose (Right) – From the back pose, competitors execute a ¼ turn to the right and face the curtain or rear of the stage. Upper body turned towards the judges so the rear shoulder can be seen, but not too exaggerated. The hips MUST face the side of the stage; You may turn your head and look directly at the judges.


Mandatory Poses

Front Double Biceps- From the front pose, competitors will execute a front double biceps with a closed or open hand. Feet should be no more than shoulder width apart. Flared lats so that they are visible from the front pose position. Feet may turn slightly outward to accentuate quad definition. May choose to pose with one leg extended. Remember we are looking for an x-frame shape with a developed  back, shoulders, and arms.


Rear Double Biceps- From front pose, competitors will execute a ½ turn to the right to face the rear (back curtain). Competitor will then move hair (if long hair) to provide visibility to the upper back remembering not to hide shoulders or biceps. Competitor’s feet are no wider than shoulder width apart and stand in an upright position. Rear double biceps pose should be performed with flared lats and closed or open hands. Remember we are looking for an x-frame shape with a developed back, shoulders, and arms.




  • Open, Novice, Pro
  • Teen/Collegiate: Ages 14-22
  • Masters: Ages 35+



  • Athletes must wear shorts that show as much leg as possible (boy short style recommended, absolutely no thongs)
  • Athletes top should leave the core/abdominal area visible to the judges (sports bra recommended)
  • Clothing can be solid colors or pattern
  • Athletic footwear is required
  • Links to purchase athletic/sports wear


  • GROUP COMPARISON (Pre-judging) – Athletes will be judged by executing a series of quarter turns and mandatory poses. Competitors must hit all the poses in a timely manner. Remember every time a poses is called for the judges are looking at the complete package from top to bottom and right to left, not just that body part.
  • INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION (Finals) – Each competitor will execute a model/box walk which consists of 3-4 of your favorite poses at front center stage location. This is an opportunity for the athlete to display their stage presence and personality. NOTE!!! This portion of the event is NOT judged, but the judges will use this opportunity to evaluate your physique, document their notes, and provide feedback in the form of a post-show critique.