- 2+ year vegan requirement verified by polygraph
- Balanced and proportioned physique from left to right side as well as top to bottom.
- No one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique.
- Tone muscular athletic build
- No extreme muscle density or mass
- Developed shoulder
- V-taper
- Small waist, not blocky
- Defined abs
- Muscle separation but no striations.

- Open to Athletes (Pro and Amateur) who are Vegan
- Athletes will wear board shorts that are waist high and about an inch shorter than the knee.
- INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION (Model Walk) - Each competitor will execute the model walk.
The competitor will be judged on presentation and poise. Poses will be performed at the following locations on stage.....
- Rear Center Stage (Front Pose)
- Front Right Side Of Stage (Side Pose facing center stage)
- Front Center stage (Front & Rear Pose)
- Front Left Side Of Stage (Side Pose facing center stage)
- GROUP SYMMETRY (Quarter Turns) – Symmetry encompasses overall balance of shape and muscle balance from top to bottom and right to left.
- GROUP MUSCULARITY/CONDITIONING (Quarter Turns) – Athletes will be judged on conditioning by executing a series of mandatory poses. Competitors must hit all the mandatory poses in a timely manner. Remember every time a poses is called for the judges are looking at the complete package from top to bottom and right to left, not just that body part.